Creating Intentional Culture

Employees flourish when a company intentionally designs a strong company culture. The alignment created when everyone is headed in the same direction is transformative. This occurs when everyone can clearly articulate the company’s reason for being (mission), where it is going (vision) and its core principles and beliefs that guide thoughts and actions (values).

We have developed a unique process that takes your leadership team through the characterization of your current culture, evaluates the success criteria of your vision of the future, and then guides them to the creation of a new intentional culture.


We assist you to develop a communication and training plan, that insures your vision of the future is clearly articulated and shared, and your company mission is reinforced. All employees are trained to become actively and passionately engaged in practicing the company values every day.


We work hand-in-hand with your HR function to elevate it to a human resources development (HRD) function in order to provide the integration support needed to adopt and maintain the new intentional culture. This includes programs such as:

•      Internally marketing the intentional culture initiative 

•      Redesign of the employee manual to align with the company values.

•      New-employee orientation training

•      Leadership acceleration facilitation

•      Creation of an employee performance and development process

•      Measurements for employee engagement

Upon completion of this process your organization will have aligned its employee policies and processes with the demands of its new culture and completed the initial stages of the employee development process, creating a stronger bond between corporate goals and employee actions.