The search for meaning is important but it can’t be all there is. So, while you’re getting on with it here’s a cheat sheet on how can you bring the best version of yourself to the table.
AI is better than you at everything but this...
New Year's Resolutions (how to actually keep them!)
Are you Googly? Zapponian? Patagonian? Company culture as a way of life.
Engaging, inspiring company cultures like Google, Zappos and Pattagonia aren’t build in a day. They’re the result of a conscious effort to engage each member of the company in a core vision mission and values that are about more than just making a buck. To create an inspiring company culture you’ll need to do more than just a one day workshop to team build or add a ping pong table to the break room, you’ll need to examine your core beliefs.
How can you measure your impact?
Good habits work for businesses, not just individuals
Fake It 'Till You Make It (5 EQ hacks)
Victim vs Accountable: There’s Impact In The Way You Tell Your Story
The role of HR in Intentional Culture
The 8 Characteristics of High-Performance Teams
Five Tips to Reduce Stress (for you and everyone around you!)
Here are 5 tips to help you manage your stress, calm down and stop worrying... or at least effectively manage your emotions.
1. Limit Distractions & Eliminate Interruptions
- Pretend you are inside “The Cone of Silence”: put a sign on your door “I’ll be available at 2:00 PM.”
- Switch off all electronics alerts & notifications ...
Altruism Works!
Early adopters & great leaders (Teamwork)
6 Must Reads if You’re at a Startup With 30+ People
“There’s something really interesting that happens when a company can’t fit around one table anymore — things just start to get a lot harder,” says Graham. “Where it used to be simple to communicate, people suddenly complain that they don’t know what’s going on anymore. They don’t know why you’re making certain decisions. They don’t know each other as well. They don’t know what they should be doing. I’ve seen so many companies really struggle in this phase.”